Haiti Awake

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Why Child Sponsorship Matters at Haiti Awake

Small community. Great kids. Lots of potential.

Cazeau is a small community, the place where God has placed this ministry, Haiti Awake, to develop a relationship with people in the community.

One of many ways this relationship is developing day-by-day is through Child Sponsorship.


1- Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake matters because it’s helping children in the program reach their potential. In Haiti, most of the time if you ask a child for his or her favorite game, their answers are either soccer for boys or jumping rope for girls. Child sponsorship is helping the children in the community find what they are good at by introducing them to new things.

Some kids only knew soccer and jumping rope, but now those same children love different game like foosball better than soccer. Some children like puzzles better, some love corn hole or Connect Four better. Now they have many options they didn’t have before because of a variety of games we have at Haiti Awake.

2- Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake matters because it gives the children hope for a better future.

At Haiti Awake, we believe in that proverb which says : “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

At Haiti Awake have English class for the children in the community because we know, we see, and we observe if someone speaks English in Haiti, it’s like having a profession. Therefore, Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake matters because the children learn what it means to be independent.

3- Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake matters because it’s an investment in a better education system in Haiti. Sponsorship with Haiti Awake helps those children to see there is more than what they’ve been living, learning in school, and seeing on a daily basis. That’s why at Haiti Awake we came up with different programs like library, sports day, summer camp, game day. For example, by introducing library in the community the children have learned a lot and understand the world better.

By the way, thank you, Sponsors, for all the good books you have sent!

4- Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake introduces some children to the Gospel and encourages some toward a better relationship with Jesus. Because Haiti Awake is a Gospel-centered organization, everything we do is to bring people to the Gospel. Seeing the children coming to church every Sunday without coercion or obligation is the outcome of what we do and advocate in all of our programs. Each child is loved and valued the same - whether they choose to participate in the church activities or not, but our ultimate desire is for them to come into relationship with Jesus Christ.

5- Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake matters because sponsoring a child at Haiti Awake is believing in authenticity. Why? Because at Haiti Awake we are who we say we are, and we do what we say we’re doing.

In a sentence, Child Sponsorship with Haiti Awake is life changing.

Until next time!

Pastor Steeve