Reflecting on 10 years

10 years ago, my feet first walked these paths which have become so familiar and beloved.

10 years ago, I thought I was coming here to do something for others. Instead, I found that God wanted to do something in me.

10 years ago, I had no idea that joy and sorrow could co-exist so seamlessly.

10 years ago, I didn't know my heart could break into a million pieces and yet become whole.

10 years ago, I knew what the words in the Bible said, but today I am intimately acquainted with the Word Who became flesh to dwell among us.

10 years ago, I thought best friends looked like me and spoke my language. But now I know a best friend is someone who carries your brokenness with patient tenderness and provides a place to fall when you can't stand any longer.

10 years. A short time and a lifetime, all in one.

No regrets. No turning back.