Sunday, September 18, 2022

“In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." Judges 21:25

We are living in a difficult time right now where people are doing what seems to be good for them, but they don’t consider the common interest.

Because of that, many businesses were looted this week, many companies are giving up on Haiti, and many people have lost their jobs.

Based on those facts, this morning EEGC met at the community center to discuss on our responsibilities and how to promote the common interest as the Bible commands us. Big and the boys could not come since the streets are blocked, so Big led the boys in discussion and prayer at Kay Timoun.

Several people had a chance to talk and express their feelings about the situation in Haiti and how that affects all institutions. We also see that things will not always stay like that because God is sitting on his throne. He hears and sees everything that’s taking place. Nothing takes Him by surprise. (Psalms 94:9)

We discussed how one day there won’t be any more suffering. Business looting and kidnapping will no longer exist. Our God will wipe every tear from our eyes.

Even though we couldn’t gather in our regular place today, we gathered in two different places to worship our Lord.

Happy Sunday from EEGC.