Update from Haiti - May 9, 2022

Hello Dear Friends,

I know many of you heard about the difficult situations we were facing since April 24 in our community, the community where most of our activities like English class, library, sports activities, computer class, prayer meeting, and community group take place day-by-day.

It is the same community where our children go to school, and this community is our home.

It had been two tough weeks for us, and all activities were completely paralyzed in the community. But today, thanks to the prayers of many of you, and by God’s grace, things are getting so much better.

The boys at Kay Timoun who stayed home for two weeks are able to go back to their shop today to continue with their vocational school.

On Saturday, we had English class. Even though we did not have as many children as we used to, but it was a good thing to have the ones who were able to come. (Check our FB or IG to see photos of Saturday.)

On Sunday EEGC was able to gather again with more people to continue worship our Lord.

None of the children were able to go school for two weeks, but the girls of Kay Timoun home will be able to go back to school on Wednesday. That is hope.

Please continue to lift us in your prayers as we plan to continue our daily activities this week.

Thank you for each one of you who prayed for us, who texted us, and who called. That meant a lot to us. You guys had been a great encouragement to us. Finally, thank you, Sponsors, for the trust you have put in us.

Until next time,

Pastor Steeve