Our 2022 in Review

This Year in Review is a group effort on the part of senior staff at Haiti Awake. There were far too many things to mention that happened in this year, but we worked together to find moments we each remember with great fondness.

We are so grateful that again at the end of another year we can say, “Glwa pou Bondye.”

O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them. Psalm 40:5


EEGC celebrated its second anniversary and Steeve was ordained to ministry.

First computer class started at the center for the children of CCS. 


Vince visited us for the first time at Haiti Awake and supervised the computer lab and met some children from our community.


Becky came to her second home, Haiti.  She also taught English class at CCS, as well as teaching the boys of Kay Timoun many things.


Haiti Awake celebrated Hudson’s 30th birthday and Michelle and Becky visited us.

Haiti Awake provided 82 mattresses for the boys at CERMICOL.


We visited families and houses that Haiti Awake built after the earthquake in the southern part of Haiti.


Antonide, Idelmy, Cesnel and Lorvens graduated from Kay Timoun, and we celebrated together their entering a new phase of life.


We had a great VBS with children from both communities, Cazeau  and Caradeux. We also had the privilege to welcome a friend named Raymond Jean Philippe to come and learn from us.

Steeve was in the United States to participate in Kids’ Week at The Bridge Church.


We hosted our first ever Sponsor Appreciation Picnic.

Becky came to Haiti and spoke at both EEGC and CERMICOL about why she keeps coming to Haiti. That was a great encouragement. 

Three of the boys of Kay Timoun were taken for a tour at  Haiti Air Ambulance. We are thankful for friends like Cory.
Vorb started seminary at STEP.


A new computer class for the staff of Haiti Awake started and English class resumed for CCS.  We also welcomed Rose-Carmel to our staff.


As school did not open as scheduled due to insecurity, we continued with daily programs for the children of CCS.


By God’s grace, some children in our area went back to school, including the children of Kay Timoun.
And for those who did not return to school, we continued with daily programs in the community.


What a wonderful time we had celebrating the birthday of the King. A party for the English class, a party for CERMICOL, Christmas for our Community, and the party for the children of Kay Timoun and staff and their families.