Church Ministry Development

It is our desire to see an awakening of Haitian Christians through community development, economic development, and church-ministry development.

It is our hope to provide opportunities to Haitian Christians in a variety of ways, including personal relationships, community Bible studies, and formal Biblical training.

Our goal is to equip these local Christians to reach their own communities and their own country through showing Christ’s love in action.
— From our ministry statement

Because of your gracious support, Haiti Awake was recently able to financially invest in three groups of believers with whom we have close relationships.

According Steeve Derard, our Ground Director, one of the challenges facing Haitian churches is construction and church maintenance.  Two of our June teams worshipped in Contraternite Church with Pastor Danjour Sylvain, and our July team also held a VBS with some of the children from his church and community.   This church building, which has about 150 members attending on a Sunday, is currently made of tarps and sheet metal.   The church is grateful for the financial partnership of Haiti Awake which will help them move forward with construction.

Pictured above is Pastor Romanès Jean's church in the community of Cannan.  Pastor Romanès  has been a friend to Haiti Awake for some time now, being a key partner in our prison outreach.  Recently Steeve was able to meet with Pastor Romanès  and give a financial gift toward further work on the church building.

And finally, Haiti Awake was happy to be a blessing to Eglise Evangelique Baptiste Lewis Memorial which is in the middle of a construction project to build offices and bathrooms for the congregation.  Because this group of believers meets in our community, within walking distance of our mission house, teams from Haiti Awake have worshipped with this body of believers on many occasions.  This is the church Wesly attends and where he first professed Jesus.  Pastor Andrew Lefort is graduate of STEP and a friend to Haiti Awake.

We are thankful for how the Lord continues to direct our steps in the area of church ministry development, and we are thankful for financial support of our ministry which, in turn, allows us to recognize and partner with growing Haitian-led ministries in our area.

True Change-Makers

One summer  Five amazingly diverse teams.  And now that it's all said and done, I believe the following words more than ever:

Local people are at the heart of what God is doing in any particular place.

Our role is to come alongside them, and strengthen their hand. As outsiders we are called to amplify their voices, lighten their load, equip and support them. For they are the true change-makers.

Not us.
— Craig Greenfield

Thankful for what God has done.  Thankful for what we know He will do.  Looking toward the future with great hope and anticipation.

Glwa pou Bondye.


Welcome, Frè Jacques & Sè Cilotte

Since mid-January, we have been earnestly praying that God would direct us to a more permanent caregiver situation for the children.  With the sudden departure of their former caregivers, the staff of Haiti Awake banded together and "made it work,"  but we all knew that eventually we would need a more stable environment for them.

Shortly after Hurricane Matthew, God allowed Jean Fritz Jacques to begin working with us.  His spiritual maturity, his gentle spirit, his quick smile were things that quickly endeared him to me personally.

And over the last 9 months, I have watched him become more and more a part of our family here at Haiti Awake.

In June, we were intensely praying that God would provide a good woman to mother the children, and one night in mid-June, God made it abundantly clear that Frè Jacques' wife, Sè Cilotte, was that woman.

Steeve and I had several meetings with the Sè Cilotte and Frè Jacques in June and July, and after much prayer and discussion on all sides, they have agreed to join the staff of Haiti Awake and move into the children's home to assume the role of house parents.

We could not be any happier for the children and for them.

The rest of the Haiti Awake staff will continue to be part of the children's lives each week through intentional interactions.  For example, Wesly will continue to sleep at the children's home to provide security, and Polo will continue to administer many of the children's programs.  Maken is so good with the children in loving them, being a friend, and organizing games, while Big and Donalson are great homework tutors. 

I am happy to be a part of this team, Haiti Awake. I’m a teacher, and I am learning to sew. I have been married for 4 years, and I am a Christian. I used to teach to teach a Sunday school class, and I have been to training for Sunday school. I am a member of Patriarche Eglise Baptiste de Cazeau.
— Sè Cilotte
I am happy to be a part of this team, Haiti Awake. I am a carpenter and cabinet maker. I learned this profession in school. I have been married for four years, and I am a Christian. I went to seminary, and I am preacher. I am a member of Patriarche Eglise Baptiste de Cazeau.
— Frè Jacques

Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Hebrews 13:3

How do you explain a place that does not even make sense?  How do you describe a place few will ever have the opportunity to visit?  

These photos don't explain.  They don't even describe, but they are all we have.  

Over the last year, Haiti Awake has been actively pursuing a relationship with both the prisoners and the staff of Cermicol, a juvenile prison in Delmas.  We are thankful to have been granted access to take these few photos to help you understand a place where on most days over 100 teenage boys are imprisoned.  Their alleged crimes vary, but their stories are the same.  

Their stories are similar to yours.

Their stories are similar to mine.  

They are broken people in need of a Savior.

For those of you who have generously given to support our prison outreach in the past, we thank you.  The boys were thrilled to get care packages filled with soap, shampoo, hard candy, and a snack on our last visit.  Everyone appreciated the food, sodas, and water we were able to purchase through the financial generosity of those who support Haiti Awake monthly.  

As a mom of boys who are the same age as the prisoners, I always struggle in my heart when we go to Cermicol, and yet I always want to go back.  For me the highlight of our last visit was seeing one young man get a big smile on his face when he saw Lifesavers in his bag and to hear so many of the boys say, "Mesi," with genuine gratitude.  It was also good, though sad, to talk with boys we've met in the past.  

Please pray with us that we will continue to find favor with those who have the authority to allow us access to the prison, and pray that our visits are a way to show Christ's love in action.

Remember the prisoners, as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily.
— Hebrews 13:3

Meet our summer intern

We are looking forward to a busy summer at Haiti Awake . . . including teams scheduled every day from May 31 to July 1 and a team later in July.

We are thankful that Linda Estep has agreed to come to Haiti for the month of June!

Linda and Davensky

Linda and Davensky

Linda is a music teacher in Wilmington, NC,  and has been involved in church ministry from a young age. During college, she experienced her first short-term missions trip to Ukraine that burdened her to see the world and help others.   Since moving to Wilmington, she has been to Haiti three times and has come to love the people that God has placed in her life through Haiti Awake. 

This summer as part of her internship with Haiti Awake, she will be assisting with team Bible Clubs, the Children's Home, and every day operations of the household. She looks forward to building stronger relationships with old friends and meeting many new friends while she is in Haiti. 


Welcome our new Medical Coordinator

We at Haiti Awake are happy to announce that our stateside team is growing again!  Liz Kyle, a pharmacist here in Wilmington, NC, has agreed to join our team as our US Volunteer Medical Coordinator.

Liz in Haiti, March 2017

Liz in Haiti, March 2017

Two of Liz’s main passions are learning and teaching.  She received her pharmacy degree from her home state of Michigan in 2010 and shortly after moved to North Carolina to work in a physician’s office providing medical care for high-risk patients while collaboratively training health care professionals.

God put international ministry on Liz’s heart years ago, showing how He can reveal His power and love through intercultural collaboration. She enjoys learning about other cultures through international travel, including her first mission trip to the Dominican Republic in 2014.

In March of 2017, Liz was able to travel with a team to serve alongside Haiti Awake staff in Port-au-Prince.  During that week, she was inspired by the work that was being done to bring development to the country through practical, Christ-centered interventions. 

After returning to the US, Liz remained in contact with the Haiti Awake team to help coordinate care for the children of Haiti Awake.  Liz is excited to be moving into a more formalized role as the Volunteer Medical Coordinator! 

In this role she will coordinate care for Haiti Awake children as well as medical training for the staff and associates, thus enabling better community medical care throughout Haiti.

We are thankful to have her on our team!

A Quick Trip to Haiti

When I am in Haiti, and we do not have a team, upon returning to the US people often ask me, "Well, what did you do?"  Many times it is hard to articulate because we at Haiti Awake seem to stay so busy and the time goes by so quickly. . . and yet, how can I even describe what we did?

I decided to briefly document this trip so that you can have some understanding of what goes on at Haiti Awake "behind the scenes."  

Thursday, April 13

Friday, April 14

  • Woke up at 4 a.m.
  • Took the bus to Aux Cayes.
  • Bought food and rented a tap tap to take us to Pestel, one of the areas hard hit by Hurricane Matthew.
  • Spent hours traveling through the mountains to Pestel.  Struck by the irony that people had bags of charcoal for sale on the roadside all along the way . . . another reminder of the effects of the hurricane.  Due to all of the fallen trees, it seems everyone decided to make charcoal.  So, there's a glut of charcoal.
  • Arrived in Pestel in time for dinner.  Was welcomed with the best cup of Haitian coffee.

Saturday, April 15.

  • Woke up early again.
  • Food distribution through community leader.
  • On the road by 9:30.  Had a flat tire less within the first 15 minutes of travel.
  • Stopped in Camp Perrin to visit a new friend
  • Arrived in Aux Cayes about 3.
  • Took a bus back to Port-au-Prince.
  • Arrived at the Haiti Awake house about 8:30.

Sunday, April 16.  Resurrection Sunday.

  • Attended church with the children.  Stayed with them in children's church.  Impressed by the teachers who were working with them during the long church service.
  • Lunch with a staff member.
  • Took the children to Cite Soleil with us to do our first outreach there, partnering with families.
  • Looked at a potential new location for Haiti Awake.
  • Met our new "guard-dog-in-training" at the children's home.
  • Had dinner with everyone and then began preparing for the team coming tomorrow.
  • Caleb fell asleep holding onto my toe.  I don't think anyone has ever fallen asleep holding onto my toe before . . . 

Monday, April 17

  • A busy morning making final preparations for the team's arrival. 
  • Went to have a heart-to-heart talk with the children and to tell them all about their new sponsors.  Some of the sponsors had sent gifts which  was exciting for everyone.
  • Dropped some vitamins off for a friend at another organization.
  • Quick lunch with a staff member.
  • Airport by noon.
  • Picked up the team.
  • Went to the market to get the cake for Idelmy and Migerlson's party.
  • Kids party at 2.
  • The rest of the afternoon is a blur, but I know the team did a neighborhood Bible school, and I visited with friends in the community.
  • The evening was filled with so much conversation with both the team and the staff.

Tuesday, April 18.  Happy 2nd birthday, Caleb Steven Derard.

  • Spent the early morning organizing supplies and thinking ahead to the four June teams.
  • Went with Wesly to Stop-and-Go to get a birthday cake for Caleb.
  • Sent staff members on a number of errands as I finished up my list of the daily to do's.
  • Birthday party for Caleb.
  • Airport by 1:45.
  • Flight through Atlanta (long layover!).
  • Home a little after midnight.
Sustained commitment, giving that goes beyond the crisis, giving that is not reactionary or emotionally manipulated, requires more. It’s love, not need, that fuels mission. Mission is more. It’s not crisis driven. It’s relationally driven. It’s not a gift but an investment. It goes beyond charity because it’s Kingdom work.
— Keith Stewart

Welcome our new Volunteer Coordinator

Meet Alicia Mercer.  

Originally from Massachusetts, Alicia has moved nine times.  She and her husband, Matt, have been married for almost 30 years and have three adult children.  They moved to Wilmington because of Matt’s job and to be part of The Bridge Church church plant.  They hope Wilmington is their last move.

Alicia was raised by her mom and has six brothers and sisters.  Her early life was not easy, but it gave Alicia a heart for those that have been affected by abuse, poverty, and addiction.  Alicia currently works as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, serving the pediatric population. 

We are excited to have Alicia as part of the Haiti Awake Volunteer Team, serving our as Volunteer Coordinator.  As we continue to endeavor to use all donated funds in Haiti, Alicia's role is critical to our ability to get things done stateside without paying American salaries.

“Last year, I had the opportunity to go on my very first mission’s trip with Haiti Awake.  I saw firsthand how Haiti Awake is making an impact in Haiti, in their community and with the children that they care for.  Haiti Awake provided our team with many opportunities in to engage with the Haitian people and learn more about their culture and their way of life.  I came back with a huge appreciation for the people and a desire to assist Haiti Awake in their endeavors. 

“Haiti Awake continues to make an impact abroad and here in our own country.  I have searched my heart and mind through prayer as to how, I too, can come alongside of this organization.  Both personal and career opportunities have afforded me the ability to organize and lead volunteers in various situations including working for a non-profit organization. 

“I feel that I can best service Haiti Awake by assisting with the current (and future) volunteers here in the US.  I look forward to connecting volunteers with opportunities in order to assist Haiti Awake in their specific needs.  I am thankful for this opportunity and look forward to working with the team here and in Haiti.” 

If you are interested in helping with Haiti Awake's stateside operations, please contact Alicia at

Exciting News for our Child Sponsorship Program

Meet the newest member of our volunteer team – our new Child Sponsorship Coordinator, Hannah Telman.

Hannah was born and raised in Wesel, Germany, from where her family was involved in mission work across the world. Hannah grew up delivering relief goods to Eastern Europe, translating for mission teams, cleaning many toilets at the mission center, and being involved in youth ministry.

Through these rich experiences, Hannah's heart was stirred for survivors of abuse and neglect. After moving to the States for college, Hannah received her Master's degree in Counselor Education and became a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor.

Hannah is married to Chris and  is a stay-at-home mom to two wonderful young boys.  Although busy with family, her passion to help others has not subsided, so she is partnering with Haiti Awake, hoping to help make a difference in the lives of 13 children whose lives are precious and destined for so much more than they could ever imagine.

Hannah’s vision, her motivation brought this child sponsorship program into existence.  We are excited to have her as part of our team.   Please contact Hannah directly with questions you have about the child sponsorship program.  Her e-mail is

We Were Made to Thrive

We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive.
— Casting Crowns

Last summer, God put those words deep on my heart in relation to our kids in Haiti.   Since we have known them, they have been surviving.  But there is a great difference between surviving and thriving.  

Now that they are solely in our care, it is time for them to thrive.  And in order for that to happen, we need to raise financial support.  

Will you please consider sponsoring one of our children?  I can assure you these are not just nameless faces.  These are children so many of us know.  Children who have real hopes, real dreams, real futures . . . 

The 2017 World Happiness report by Gallup recently showed that just 3% of Haitians would classify themselves as "thriving", while 43% said they were "suffering" and 54% said they were "struggling."   For many years, our children would have easily been categorized between "suffering" and "struggling."

Now is their time to thrive.  Won't you please be a part of what God is doing in their lives?

For more information on how you can have an active part in their lives on a monthly basis, please go to  

Most sincerely, 

Becky Graves, for the entire Haiti Awake family

Reflections on my time in Haiti by Kelly Shannon

1.     Haiti does a lot of things right—especially, relationships and worship. I learned that relationships can be built non-verbally, through interacting, and cross-culturally. I’m a talker. A verbal-processor. But I saw that sometimes words aren’t necessary. That touch can be powerful and that laughter is a global language.

2.     Happiness does not equal stuff. Worldly possessions are fleeting—in an instant they can be taken away, lost, or become out-of-date. Being in a place that is not driven by consumerism, you see how society functions remarkably well without the need to constantly buy and consume the next best thing.

3.     The power of touch. Sometimes you meet a person whom imprints on you and you know you won’t soon forget them. I will not forget much about my time in Haiti, but my most vivid memory is of a woman named Karen. This is a woman who has been struggling with a skin condition for the last 5 years. She has to wear long pants and long sleeves and a hat to cover her skin. Her skin itches and has marks all over it and she has to force herself to eat. No one knows what her skin condition is and, thus, the whole community has ostracized her. The only interaction she has is with her 6 sisters – all of whom live in the same room with just 2 mattresses. We visited her, brought lotions and medicines and talked with her. Before leaving, we put our hands on her and prayed with her. Tears streamed down her face as we prayed and I left thinking, wow, it has probably been quite some time since she has experienced human touch. I saw her several times throughout the week and as we smiled and greeted one another I knew we had bonded. Jesus literally broke this physical boundary and allowed us to enter into an emotional and spiritual connection with Karen.

4.     If you ever get the chance, look at the world through the eyes of a child. Get excited. Be curious. Show affection to others. Be loving and nonjudgmental. Getting to spend a week alongside dozens of children in Haiti was a huge blessing.

5.     Ministry can look different than what you are comfortable with. Sometimes it means getting dirty and serving, being the hands and feet of Jesus, sometimes it means sitting with and being uninhibitedly with another person, sometimes it means loving your team and helping them to process. Then, upon return, looking for ways to serve in the place you have been planted.

6.     God is good all the time,  and all the time God is good.

Written by Kelly Shannon, a grad student at UNCW studying social work. Kelly is from Huntersville, NC, and she is engaged to Tyler Johnson. Kelly organized, planned, and led the March Haiti Awake team.

It's been five months . . .

And there is still much to be done.

Saturday will mark 5 months since Hurricane Matthew took direct aim at the southern peninsula of Haiti and caused incredible harm to people's lives and livelihoods.

But life goes on.

We at Haiti Awake are so thankful for the many people who have supported our Hurricane Recovery efforts.  We wanted to share a few photos of work that took place last week in Les Cayes.

Our team distributed more water filters provided by the amazing 5th graders of Wilmington Christian Academy, and they continued rebuilding in the Gelee area of Les Cayes.


In just three weeks, the Wilmington Christian Academy Singing Clubs and Glee Clubs are excited to present a benefit concert for Haiti Awake called, Patch the Pirate Goes to the Jungle.

This musical is a fun-filled adventure that challenges each person to think about what we can give to others.

We would love for you to join us on Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30 PM in the Grace Baptist Church auditorium to experience the gift of giving through song, speech, and adventure!

Creating Fellowship in Haiti

The following was written by our friend, Kaitlyn Hopfer, who is pouring her heart into helping the people of Haiti and Haiti Awake.  

I run a local non-profit called Mission Made Jewelry which is focused on creating jobs in developing countries through the sale of handcrafted items. Early last year, our founder suggested that I join him on a trip to be able to truly experience what it looked like to live in one of the counties we worked with, Haiti.

In June 2016, I boarded my flight to Port Au Prince, Haiti full of nerves, questions, and concerns. I wrote in my journal during the flight into Haiti:

I honestly don’t have any idea why I am going on this trip, but, Lord, I trust that this is a part of Your plan.

Little did I know that from that day forward God would awaken in me a passion towards Haiti that is indescribable.

Upon our arrival, my team members commented on the smell of the burning trash, the animals scattered throughout the road, the state of living conditions throughout the area, but I noticed something else – the people.

All around people were huddled together, hugging and high fiving, helping each with heavy baskets or broken down cars, standing united in a way I had never seen before. As we were driving down the road we came to a sudden halt, the person in front of us had saw someone they knew and literally stopped the car in the middle of the road to talk to them. I quickly realized, Haitians take relationships seriously. They live out the command to love their neighbor in a way I have never experienced before.

I thought I was going to Haiti to "give back to those in need,” but I quickly learned that this experience was about something much bigger; it was about building relationships. I realized that I needed to open my heart to loving them, not fixing them.

In the book Helping without Hurting, Steve Corbett  states:

Your presence and the chance for a relationship together is the most pressing need.

I knew that if I wanted to make a difference in Haiti I needed to build meaningful and long-lasting relationships.

My friends in Haiti have taught me to love selflessly until it hurts. They practice fellowship in the way Jesus represented it, spending fellowship with his disciples, pouring into them and helping them grow. Jesus could have had 10,000 disciples, but he didn’t.  He chose a select group of individuals to pour into, to love, and to share life with.

Haiti Awake gives us the opportunity to do just that, to walk alongside our friends in Haiti in fellowship.

In June I will be heading back to Haiti for my 3rd trip in less than 1 year.  I continue to invest my heart into Haiti Awake because these are my friends. They are no longer nameless faces in a far-off country.  Instead, they are the people I pray for daily and share fellowship with.  

They are the people who I want to experience life with.

Each time I see them I know that God is helping us grow together for His kingdom. I believe that Haiti is the next crowning jewel of this world, that Jesus Christ will be known through the nation, and that Haiti Awake will play a huge role in making that happen.  

Relationships Matter

The following is a guest post by Paige Carroll who traveled to Haiti with The Bridge team in August of 2016.  She and her husband, Jacob, are monthly supporters of Haiti Awake, and they are leading their own team back to Haiti in June of this year.

This past summer, I traveled to Haiti with Haiti Awake. During the first few days of my 10 day experience, I quickly picked up on something different about Haiti than what I was used to in the US. In Haiti, relationships matter. In the Haitian culture people genuinely care about one another. Haitians take the time to learn about what’s going on in the lives of those around them. Whether they know it or not, they are living by the motto of “Love your brother as yourself.” People on the streets stop to help a brother in need: they take care of each other; they build relationships and value those relationships.

Relationships Matter

Haiti Awake is no different from the culture of Haiti. The staff of Haiti Awake believes that relationships matter. They take the time to know and care for their neighbors. They build relationships with others, leading by example that iron sharpens iron. The Haiti Awake staff builds heartfelt relationships with the children in the Children’s Home; spending time, money and energy learning about what makes these kids happy, what gets them motivated, what helps them learn, not because it is part of their job, but because they have that desire to build a trusting relationship.

Once I returned home, I was eager to do whatever I could to continue impacting those relationships I formed in Haiti, as well as what I could do to ensure that relationships continued to grow across that country. Haiti Awake taught me that it is important to invest all that I have into something if I want to see it succeed. I want to see Haiti Awake succeed.  I want to see the Gospel known in Haiti. I believe that through the power of Jesus Christ, Haiti Awake is going to do great things throughout the entire country of Haiti -  from Tabarre to Cite Soleil to Tabarre to Les Cayes, to those places God has yet to call them to.

This is why I invest my time, my money, my energy, (my Target clearance shopping trips!), my heart, in Haiti Awake.

I believe in Haiti Awake.

This is why I support Haiti Awake monthly. I know that my support goes 100% to Haiti to meet these needs, that otherwise could be forsaken without my support.

People were created to be in relationship with one another.

Would you consider forming a relationship with Haiti Awake, and being a part of the work they are doing to bring Relationships, Gospel and Hope to the nation of Haiti?

That was then . . . and this is now


This morning while Kelly Shannon and I were talking,  Andy and Daniel Vestal walked into the lobby of The Bridge.    As we exchanged greetings and introductions,  I was struck by the fact that Andy and Daniel were part of one of our first Haiti Awake teams, and Kelly will be leading the next team in less than two weeks.

I tried to explain to Kelly how desperate the children were when Andy and Daniel met them, and I tried to explain to Andy and Daniel just how radically different the children's lives are today.

But there really aren't enough words to explain the transformation.

So I thought I would share a few pictures with everyone - so that we can rejoice together in what God has done in just two short years.

The photos on the left, top to bottom:

  • Andy sharing the truth of God's Word (January 2015)
  • Saying goodbye on the last day was so difficult.  We had no idea when (or even if) we would see each other again.
  • We all prayed, and then we prayed again.  And together we agreed that God had a plan for the children's lives.

Isn't it wonderful that God included Haiti Awake in that plan?

But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth.
— Psalm 86:15

As we look back on God's faithfulness, we look forward with grateful anticipation to see what God will do in the children's lives in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

So, how are the kids?

I've heard this question over and over since returning from Haiti last week.  It makes my heart happy to know so many of you care about the children and that you've been praying for them during this time of transition in their lives.

Some of you have mentioned that in seeing recent photos, you see a new joy on their faces. You are right!  There is a happiness in them that I've never seen in the nearly four years we've known each other.   Their eyes sparkle now!  I hope this means that they finally feel free, loved, secure, safe...

So . . . How are the kids?  I think this anecdote says it all.

Normally on the night before I leave, the children are sad, and some are quite emotional.  In the past, no matter how hard I've tried to keep things positive and upbeat, different children were crying, and some even ran away and hid, refusing to even say "goodbye."

However, when we parted on the evening of January 30, no one seemed sad.  No one was crying.  No one was clinging to me.  No one ran away from me.  Instead, several confirmed with me that we'd see each other (if God wills) in March, and there were smiles.  Big smiles.

We at Haiti Awake are praising God for His goodness, His kindness, His grace, His faithfulness. Please pray with us about the children's future.  Many have parents in the area.  We've had several different parent meetings so far, and we're praying that God will heal and restore broken relationships.    In March, it is our hope to start home visits with consenting parents, and we're eager to see the Gospel transform lives.

Please pray with us!

Please continue to pray for Doko

Steeve and I returned to Doko last week.  We met some wonderful people and continued building relationships with people we had met on our first trip.  We are hopeful that the Lord will open doors of opportunity in the future.